VarSome API
All our platforms provide powerful programming interfaces which allow you easy integration with your own software tools.


VarSome's high-performance variant annotation Application Programming Interface (API) makes it possible to annotate variants using data from over 140 genomic databases. You can start your project immediately and without incurring the significant overheads of integrating and maintaining all these feeds yourself.

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The API has been designed to be as simple as possible to use: a simple REST API is provided, data requests are returned as JSON. This makes it ideal to integrate into Python, R, Perl, Java, or any other programming language.


A Working

We provide a reference API client for Python which demonstrates how to annotate a VCF file. You can simply clone this repository and adapt the code to your own needs.

See Reference API Client

Annotating Whole Exomes or Genomes

The VarSome API has been designed with performance in mind: in practice, it can fully annotate over 600 variants / second over an average internet connection. This is made possible through "batching" requests, as demonstrated in the reference API client: each API request can contain several thousand variants in a single call. A user-configurable allele frequency filter allows you to further increase throughput up to 4x faster: this filter will reject variants whose gnomAD allele frequency is higher than a threshold that you set.

See Reference API Client

To set it up

Please look at the plans below and contact us, specifying which plan you wish to subscribe to. We will send you an authentication token that will increase your request limits and enable you to batch several variants in a single request.

We offer a free test version of the API to allow you to evaluate before purchasing a subscription.

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Varsome API Pricing


Variants Per Month
Non-variant queries per month
Germline classification
Somatic Classification
Option to filter out high frequency variants*
Get list of variants in genomic region


Variants Per Month
Non-variant queries per month
ACMG classification
Option to filter out high frequency variants*
Get list of variants in genomic region
ACMG classification

Dedicated Server

Variants Per Month
Non-variant queries per month
ACMG classification
Option to filter out high frequency variants*
Get list of variants in genomic region
ACMG classification

Prices are available in US dollars, Euros and Swiss Francs.

You can cancel your subscription at any time. For the Standard plan, a minimum monthly fee is charged on the first day of each month and it is due for the month in which you cancel your subscription.

* If the allele frequency filter is enabled, only variants that pass the filter (ie: those below the given frequency or not present in gnomAD genomes) that require annotating will be annotated. High frequency variants will be ignored. This filter is user-configurable, and it will likely reduce the actual number of variants that need to be examined by over 95% (depending on the threshold you use), thus enabling fast whole exome or genome analysis.

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