VarSome Premium Premium is a subscription service allowing you to access additional 3rd party annotation data resources and features without any delays. Free analyses with VarSome Clinical are also included up to the value of your subscription each month.

The PREMIUM Version of Human Genomics Community

VarSome Premium Premium is a subscription service allowing you to access additional 3rd party annotation data resources and features without any delays. 

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Benefits of VarSome Premium

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Premium Data Resources

Under VarSome Premium you get access to additional data resources that contain pharmaceutical and clinical trial information or require a license, allowing you to obtain more comprehensive results.

Premium Data Resources:
  • AACT Clinical Trials from
  • Pharmacogenomics Knowledge Base (PharmGKB)
  • COSMIC by the Sanger Institute (client license is required)
  • Polyphen-2 scores by Harvard University
  • CADD scores by the University of Washington
  • Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC)
  • The Drug-Gene Interaction Database (DGIdb)
  • OMIM
  • List of all 140+ data resources
Premium Features:
  • Automated somatic variant classification according to the AMP guidelines.
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